"People are selfish!!!" Does this sentence make sense to you????
Well. I show you, how selfish humans are.
- Recycling bins are ready immediately, but they were still not going to separate the waste good. It's just a simple work for them to throw the paper into the blue in color's recycle bins, glass into the brown in color's recycle bins and the plastic into the orange in color's recycle bins.
- Even they are away from their houses or hostel, they will still switch on the lamp, laptop, fans even the air-conditioners.
- They burn trash in the public places, chemical dye into the rivers.
What happened in next?????
- It kills wildlife. Creating more waste not only takes up more space that wildlife use, but they use it as a feeding ground. Animal don't know any better than to scavenge off our food scraps and waste, and can't differentiate between safe and unsafe food.
- The world becomes a giant dump. Landfills everywhere, garbage smell all over the place. The earth is only so big, where are we going to put all of this garbage?
- Our CHILDREN!!!! Do we really want to leave this whole mess for our children to fix???
It might be too late????
Often, science turns to dramatic, fear-inducing predictions to convince people that environmental issues are important and certain changes need to be made immediately.
" ACT NOW or IT MIGHT BE TOO LATE,"we're told.
But, it's not working!!!!!!
As a student, what should we do?
Yellue! will be launched on 10 November 2010, Wednesday at 10a.m. at the UTAR Perak campus cafeteria in Block C.
Yellue! is derived from combining the word Yellow and Blue=Green which signifying nature and sustainability.
The idea behind the theme is that when people come together with one vision, it is only possible to achieve the intended purpose to save mother earth and for better days ahead.
The objective of Yellue! is to Engage students through fun learning Experience and then for them to Spread the message.
Yellue! is hoped to actively Engage UTAR students through strategic experiential activities - Yellue! Hunt and mini competitions such as costume-designing with recycled materials.
To leverage on social media, two other competitions will be held simultaneously which are creative blogging and creative video-making that spreads the message of individual responsibility for a greener tomorrow.
By engaging them through fun learning Experience, it is hoped that this message will be ingrained in students’ minds and they will continue to Spread and advocate the green message.
The highlight event will be the Yellue! Hunt where UTAR students get to experience active and fun education about saving the environment. During the Yellue! Hunt, participants takes on the role as ambassadors by wearing the green message on their Yellue! t-shirt and carrying recycled message boards during the entire course of the hunt.
The day will end with a prize-giving ceremony for winners of the Yellue! Hunt and the mini competitions. A 10 minutes interview session with Ms. Kong Pooi Ling and a photo taking session will take place after the prize giving session.
Let the picture do the talk.

What's that?? That's the logo for the Yellue 2010. I trust that you will know about it if you did pass by the Cafeteria C on this few days. Most of my friends were laugh on me and said:"why you put the stupid color on your face"? I'm be proud and the only answer that i give was:"Yellue, ROCK!!!!!!!!! Please SUPPORT Yellue Campaign"
I didn't feel ashame to do that as I'm willing to spread the message to all my friends.
Last but not least, let me create a slogan for the Yellue team,
and hope it will be shout out on the day :
I says Yellue, You says Rock,
Yellue, Rock
Yellue, Rock
Yeeeellllluuuuue ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's ROCK together with YELLUE on 10/11/2010
kindly contact : Ms. Tay Rui Gi at 012-724 7360
Ms. Liew Ying Shin at 012-585 6991 for more information.

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